Sunday, August 07, 2011

Stop and listen.

            The past few days have been incredibly inspiring.  I think it’s because I’ve done significantly more listening and absolutely less talking.  It’s amazing what you hear when there are no distractions, no demands, just you listening to the voice of another.  People say truly astounding and funny things. 
Here are some fantastic words I’ve heard:
“Three-year-olds are like Alzheimer’s patients on acid.”
“A book always begins on the day something different happened.”
“Read everything.  Then read some more.  Then read what you’re told not to read.”
“Moose are mean bastards.  They are the meanest animals on the planet.”
“Lawyers should be hunted.  Each family should be allowed to take down three per year.”
“If you’re writing a sex scene, and you’re not turned on, then it sucks.  It is not sexy.”
“If you need to write it, chances are, there a lot of people out there who need to read it.”
“Any civilization is built on empathy.”
“‘Perfect’ wants to vote you off the island.  ‘Better’ wants to make an alliance.”
“Never throw anything you’ve written away.”
“Stop scaring yourself into not doing what you love.”
“Beaver meat is the healthiest meat you can eat.  Rabbit is second.  Buffalo is not any healthier than beef though they’re always trying to convince you it is.”
“When I was little, my six brothers and I invented a game called ‘Slaughterball.”  You threw a ball up in the air, and whoever caught it got slaughtered.”
“Being chosen to speak in front of 1,400 people totally makes up for not getting asked to Senior prom.”
“Let me introduce you to my agent.”
And of course, Jay Asher’s quote, “Everything affects everything.”
There’s a lot to think about.  I’m thankful I have these few, quiet, focused days to ponder what I’m hearing.  But I sure do miss my boys and their noise.


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