Saturday, December 10, 2011

The first Christmas wasn't pretty.

Not the very first Christmas.  I’m talking about our first Christmas with a kid. 
When Christmas rolled around in 2005, Teague was 3 weeks old.  I was fat (and not happy about it).  And Colin and I were so sleep-deprived that we didn’t actually take any pictures on Christmas morning. 
However, the days leading up to Christmas were filled with dress-up torture for our newborn thanks to my mom and the multitude of holiday outfits she had purchased for her very first grandchild.
After spending this morning going through old photos, I couldn’t help but post these horrid pictures.  Sorry Teague.  You’ll find out about this one day and be incredibly embarrassed.  But you’ll love me anyway.

This is the most hideous outfit ever!  It looks like a clown suit!

His eyes are crossed!

He actually looks disgusted!

Refusing to acknowledge us or wondering where his feet are?

Throwing this in as a reminder that my arms CAN be that fat.

And this is to prove that he actually was really cute when not being tortured.  :)
Happy Holidays everyone!!!

Friday, December 02, 2011

It's getting personal. The training, that is.

I’m not sure if there’s a list of things you should or should not say to a personal trainer.  I mean, they probably hear a lot of cuss words.  And whining.  And grunting.  Maybe even some salon-type gym gossip.  But when I met my personal trainer yesterday and he asked me what my goal was, I told him I want to be a total badass.
I can’t be sure if he looked so shocked because he was expecting me to provide him with a more specific goal.  Or if he was looking at all 113 pounds of me thinking, “Yeah right.  You couldn’t be a badass if you tried.”  Or maybe he just didn’t expect me to use the word “ass” in goal-setting.  Regardless, eventually he humored me and said he’d help me achieve whatever I wanted.
Now, if you’ve been following the blog, you already know 2 things:
1)      I didn’t believe in exercise until 4 months ago.  I thought running was the devil and gyms were designed to kill you.
2)      I am now completely obsessed with running as evidenced by the two 5Ks I’ve completed in the past month, and I now go to the gym at least 6 days a week.
It’s funny how much my mindset has changed.  Not only do I feel a million times better and love my newfound endurance and flexibility, but now I want to feel stronger.  It’s kind of like this: Now I know if someone was chasing me I could get away.  But what I really want to know is could I fight back? 
I don’t want to be a cage fighter or a kickboxer, but I do want to feel like a badass.  And as I fill out this form for my trainer, that’s exactly what I’m going to write.