Sunday, March 17, 2013

Tradition, milestones, and guys in suits.

A lot of my friends make fun of me for religiously taking my kids to have their picture taken with Santa and the Easter Bunny, but I think it's such a cute way to measure how much they've changed twice a year.

I have to admit, my favorite pictures are the ones in which Teague is screaming.  It happened the first two times with Santa and twice with the Easter bunny as well.  My mom used to tell me I was going to scar Teague for life by forcing him to go.  He usually started crying in the morning when he heard me mention our plans and continued until well after we left the mall. I remember how one photographer suggested we keep going until he stopped screaming and another requested I try again another day.  But I'm glad I didn't wait for that perfect shot.  I wouldn't trade those tear-filled prints for anything. 

The drama-filled bunny pic experience changed when Crews was born.  When Crews was four days old, I took them in for pictures.  I placed my sleeping, little 6 pound 9 ounce baby in the bunny's hands and it seemed that something finally clicked for Teague.  He wasn't excited about sitting in the bunny's lap, but he wasn't about to be shown up by a baby.  It was his first, real, big brother moment.  And he's been smiling ever since!




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