Friday, June 17, 2011

Thank God it's Book Club.

             I can’t remember when my friend Jodi asked me to join her book club.  Nor do I remember the last time we actually selected or discussed a book.  Actually, I do.  It was back in February when my first novel was the selection and I didn’t sleep for four weeks because I was so afraid of letting people I didn’t know read it.  But now I know everybody and I received some great feedback.  It was a phenomenal opportunity and I’m so glad I overcame my fear of letting strangers read my books.  After all, letting strangers read them is my ultimate goal.
In reality, “Book Club” is just a girl’s night out once a month at a different restaurant, but there’s something about calling it book club that makes it more fun.  And legitimate.
Here are my top 5 favorite things about book club:
1)      The chicks in my book club rule.  Period.  We talk about everything and anything.
2)      Saying you have book club can get you out of other not-so-fun-things.  Like watching Free Willy 4 starring Bindi the Jungle Girl with your kids for the billionth time.
3)      Saying you go to book club makes you seem smart.  Or at least interested in reading semi-serious books.  I prefer YA, but whatever.
4)      Husbands are much more open to you going to book club than just going out to have a few.  Mine is open to both, but I bet there are some that need convincing.
5)      Going out on a Friday night allows me to reminisce.  There was a time when we got to the bar at 10 and stayed out until 4.  Of course, now we meet at 6:30 and are home in bed by 10, but my kids get up at 6 am and I need a solid 8 hours.  Reminiscing is fun and all, but by 9:45 I’m yawning.
So tonight I will go to book club and have a fabulous dinner at Leaf.  Tomorrow morning, bright and early, I will be at reading class with Teague.  I like it this way.  It’s the perfect balance.


Anonymous said...

I like number 2 except tonight we are watching wild hogs again I would kill for some free willy right now

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