These days, things they are a changin'.
My little Sugar Bear is now a first grader.
My little Bug is now in Primary.
My little Ashley Hall boy has turned into a Porter-Gaud little man.
My tiny Island Schooler is now officially an Ashley Hall-er.
The weather is (miraculously) a little cooler.
Pre-season football is on. (Go Jets!)
I feel an overwhelming desire to drink a Pumpkin Ale as opposed to a bold Cab.
And though there is nothing official about my single status and my name-change isn't really legal, I feel totally different.
Yep. Things are changing in the Hendrickson/Windham house. And I have to believe they're for the better.
The kids are getting older. Smarter. Taller.
I'm getting older (Ugh and Blah). Smarter? Definitely not taller. Perhaps a little wiser? God, I hope so...
So, as our days slowly get a little shorter. And homework time frustration grows a little longer, it's important to remember that this is just another time of transition. That for good and bad, this too is only temporary.
It won't be long until we are stringing lights, hanging stockings, and buying Christmas gifts. My first single Valentine's Day in 14 years will surely come. And the Easter bunny will be here before we know it.
By then, with any luck, I'll be divorced and finally, for the first time in as long as I can remember, at peace.
But for now, here's to Fall, the school year, the NY Jets, gourd-flavored beers, name changes, knowledge and freedom.
But most of all, here's to each new chapter of my life I get to write thanks to my two little men.
And thanks to the one who gave them to me.
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