So maybe once or twice before I have dedicated an entire blog to a complete jerk. I usually try to keep it positive, or at least funny when the topic is a little heavy, but there is nothing funny about my neighbor. He is an a**hole.
You might remember that back in October my dad decided to build Teague a treehouse for his 8th birthday. The boys were so excited and watched every single bolt and board be put into place. It was frickin' awesome!
But on the final day of the build, my a**hole neighbor (who had watched the entire construction process for over a week) approached my dad and said "the structure" was too close to his property and had to be removed. Now, my dad was very cordial. And since I have always had a great relationship with my neighbor, I had no qualms about heading over to talk to him. I thought surely a treehouse would not be a big deal, and he would tell us it was fine. But, no. That's not what happened at all.Instead, he told me about a lawsuit he filed back in the 80's when the cable company came on his property and ran a cable under a part of his yard without his permission. Apparently, there was no easement and he was pissed. So he filed a lawsuit that drug on for years. He just wouldn't let it go. Finally, the cable company got so tired of fighting it that they gave up and gave him free cable for life. Yup. He hasn't paid for cable since the 80's. And this was his way of letting me know he would fight me too.
The next time my dad came in town, he removed the entire right-hand side of the treehouse so that it was the "required three feet" from the jerk's fence. It took almost as long to tear half of it down as it did to build it. After all, it had to be safe.
The treehouse just wasn't the same, but at least we got to keep it. And I haven't heard a word from the a**hole in months.
But fast-forward to Tuesday and I get a knock on my front door. It's the Code and Safety Officer from the Town of James Island. He stopped by to let me know that my neighbor has not only filed an official complaint, but that if I don't remove my treehouse within 14 days, that I will be cited and my neighbor is filling a lawsuit.
I get this handed to me:
And then I'm told he will help me tear it down since I don't have a husband to do it.
Today I got this in the mail:
So, since I am leaving town tomorrow and there is nothing I can do about the treehouse situation, I decided to let my neighbor know how I feel by placing a sign on my treehouse while I'm gone.
And I made sure my sign was not within 3 feet of his yard.
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