If there is a place where blogs go to die, apparently it would be my Blog site.
If there is a place where dreams turn into nightmares, it would be my life for the past 8 months.
And if there is a time to be thankful, it is now.
When I first heard that my final/absolute/this is really it/it's gonna be over/ divorce hearing would be held on November 28th, I thought I might puke. Not because it's too soon/I'm not ready/this is the end of an era/...But because there are 365 days in each year and somehow the dissolution of my marriage just HAS to occur on my firstborn's birthday.
I always imagined my D-day would be some random date I would never be able to remember. Actually, that's a lie. I never imagined my divorce date at all. In my perfect little brain, in my perfect little world, I would be married forever and life would be super.
But sometimes things change and sometimes there is too much damage done.
People change.
Our needs change.
I'm not the same person I was 13 years ago when I sat in a Chinese restaurant with my mom in Foley, Alabama and said, "Mom, I know I've only known him for 5 months but I'm gonna marry him."
I don't regret it for a minute.
I wouldn't change most of it for the world.
And I know that life will be never be the same.
But I hope I can burn the right bridges and mend the appropriate fences and just be grateful every day for what has become of this precious life I've been given.
And I have to believe that after all of this mess, if we were able to pull this off for Teague last Saturday...
That we're gonna be ok. And our kids are gonna be just fine.
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