Friday, December 02, 2011

It's getting personal. The training, that is.

I’m not sure if there’s a list of things you should or should not say to a personal trainer.  I mean, they probably hear a lot of cuss words.  And whining.  And grunting.  Maybe even some salon-type gym gossip.  But when I met my personal trainer yesterday and he asked me what my goal was, I told him I want to be a total badass.
I can’t be sure if he looked so shocked because he was expecting me to provide him with a more specific goal.  Or if he was looking at all 113 pounds of me thinking, “Yeah right.  You couldn’t be a badass if you tried.”  Or maybe he just didn’t expect me to use the word “ass” in goal-setting.  Regardless, eventually he humored me and said he’d help me achieve whatever I wanted.
Now, if you’ve been following the blog, you already know 2 things:
1)      I didn’t believe in exercise until 4 months ago.  I thought running was the devil and gyms were designed to kill you.
2)      I am now completely obsessed with running as evidenced by the two 5Ks I’ve completed in the past month, and I now go to the gym at least 6 days a week.
It’s funny how much my mindset has changed.  Not only do I feel a million times better and love my newfound endurance and flexibility, but now I want to feel stronger.  It’s kind of like this: Now I know if someone was chasing me I could get away.  But what I really want to know is could I fight back? 
I don’t want to be a cage fighter or a kickboxer, but I do want to feel like a badass.  And as I fill out this form for my trainer, that’s exactly what I’m going to write.


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